Kenwood Ts-2000 Serial Number Lookup
N1. MM Logger Website N1. MMplus Update History. N1. MM Logger Update 1. Call Stacking Fixed the ALTD operation. QMkv0YTQqs/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Kenwood Ts-2000 Serial Number Lookup' title='Kenwood Ts-2000 Serial Number Lookup' />Coded by N2. AMG. Call Stacking If the program changes from Run to S P, clear and close the callstack window. Coded by K3. CT. CW Port If the CW port is not configured when trying to send CW, display the error message in a message box and include the CW text string. Coded by K3. CT. Call Stacking Changes to single instance per Entry Window Coded by N2. AMG. Digital checks to see if QTC Window is open before clearing it. Coded by N2. AMG. SO2. R Turn off the option Dual Rx Always On when switching from SO2. V to SO2. R. N6. XICoded by K3. CT. When choosing to open a database, a contest is required to be chosen. Coded by N2. IC. RSGBCLUBRSGB 1. Mhz Club Calls Rules changes, points, multipliers, bonus station GB3. HQ. G4. OGB Coded by NA3. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. KENWOOD TS590SGK2P Black Anniversary Edition INCLUDES SO3, VGS1 AND VIBROCUBE. Transceiver control with bandspread controls up to 4 Alinco, DZKit, Elecraft, FlexRadio, Hilberling, Icom, JRC, Kachina, Kenwood. W677lrg.jpg' alt='Kenwood Ts-2000 Serial Number Lookup' title='Kenwood Ts-2000 Serial Number Lookup' />M. Digital In Mixed mode contests with 2 digital windows open and switching to CW or SSB on one of them would disable the LetterFigs window in DI2. Coded by N2. AMG. Call. Stack Add keystroke ALT G to remove the top entry in the callstack and place it in the Entry Window. Anything in Entry Window will be erased. Coded by N2. AMG. Alt G is also used in the Digital window but if the callstack window is open it takes precidence over the digital window. MB0. 7 Nov 2. 01. N1. MM Logger Update 1. Version 1. 0. 6. 86. November 1, 2. 01. Call Stacking Implements new callstack window for all modes. Needs testing before CQWW CW. Coded by N2. AMG. RSGBCLUB Change to Mixed mode. G8. VPE Coded by K3. CT. QTCWindow When opening QTC Window from Entry Window 2 QTC would not send correctly. Coded by N2. AMG. Digital Window When QTC was being recieved, pause was not pausing the window correctly. Coded by N2. AMG. Configurer Change Win. Key. 2 text to Win. Key. 23. K2. YWE Coded by K3. CT3. 9. 6 MB0. Nov 2. N1. MM Logger Update 1. Makrothen RTTY Change to Cabrillo 3. DJ3. IWCoded by K3. CT. UDC Enabled Sent Exchange will be message in EW for POPYTHCUP. Popov Youth Cup G4. OGB coded by NA3. M. FT 8. 0C Radio control changes. CO8. RCPCoded by K3. CT. Spectrum Fix runtime error finding signals when zoomed out. VA2. FSQ Coded by N1. MM. Spectrum Resizing of window was jerky. Coded by N1. MM. Alt J Turn Rotor. Improve the error message when less than 3 characters are entered. TK5. MH Coded by N2. IC. Alt F9 Fix issue with 1. Antenna table when countrylocale is expecting 1,8 and 3,5. SQ7. D Coded by N2. IC. Alt F9 Will not skip over antennas that are in use by the other radio. SQ7. D Coded by N2. IC3. 9. 5 MB2. Oct 2. N1. MM Logger Update 1. Network. Status Factor in column headings width when autosizing columns. Coded by N1. MM. Entry Window Window menu, Visual Dupe Sheet tool tip covers text preventing selection. JA1. MZMCoded by K3. CT. Spectrum show spots for chart range, not scope range Coded by N1. MM. Spectrum Fix RTE when spectrum already being sent and program starts VA2. FSQ Coded by N1. MM. Adjust wait time on program update download Coded by N1. MM. PAQP Fixed mapping of VE5 to SK. K8. MR Coded by N2. IC. Telnet add better error handling K1. TTT Coded by N1. MM. Spectrum Display the main tool tip only once K3. CT Coded by N1. MM. Info Window Improved the menu operation when changing the rate graph between Point and Contacts. Coded by K3. CT. Debug Added debug code for the FT 8. C radio. Coded by K3. CT3. 9. 4 MB1. Oct 2. N1. MM Logger Update 1. Median Xl Worship The Crack Monkey Shines'>Median Xl Worship The Crack Monkey Shines. Info Window Eliminate two Info window runtime errors. R7. AB KM4. WHOCoded by K3. CT. Import Goals Contest Selection fix for forecolors K4. GMH Coded by N1. MM. UDC fixed RTE caused by loading UDC that is using Dupe. QSOMinutes. Ago G4. OGB Coded by NA3. M. Spectrum Show tuning lines for radio in waterfall when mouse not over Spectrum window Coded by N1. MM. QSO Party Added the Section display to the Log window for all in state users. Reduced the default Log window callsign and timestamp column width. Coded by K3. CT. Spectrum Removed orignal signal detection and replaced with alternate signal detection. Coded by N1. MM. Spectrum Removed Use Alternate SSB Signal Detection option Coded by N1. MM. IC 7. 61. 0 Corrected the radio codec voice and data commands. Coded by K3. CT. IC 7. Corrected the Spectrum Scope pixel count. Coded by N1. MM. Log Reset column widths properly when removing custom column widths K3. CT Coded by N1. MM. Log Factor in column heading width when autosizing columns Coded by N1. MM3. 9. 4 MB1. Oct 2. N1. MM Logger Update 1. ARRL SS When Call History is enabled and callsign not found, the cursor does not leave the Callsign box when spacebar is pressed. VE2. FKCoded by K3. Driver Sigmatel High Definition Audio Codec Windows 7. CT. ARRL SS When Call History data contains a check of 0, it was not populated in the exchange box. When the section is found in Call History but no check value, the section is not populated. Coded by K3. CT. CtrlShift while choosing Bandmap from Window menu was not bringing the windows onto the screen W7. OM Coded by N1. MM. TS 5. 90 Changed the CW, SSB, and Digital filter commands to use FL1 FL2. The radio stores the users filter settings by mode. N2. ICCoded by K3. CT. Change URL for WA7. BNM calendar to www. WA7. BNM Coded by N1. MM. Import Goals Fix foreground colors for dark backgrounds Coded by N1. MM. CA QSO Party Changed MAR to MR. Coded by K3. CT. PA QSO Party Multi Multi class now sends serial numbers by band. N2. ICCoded by K3. CT. TRCDX Contest Corrected the Cabrillo output LZ1. YE coded by NA3. M. Bandmap Make minimum size smaller N6. XI Coded by N1. MM. Edit log dialog enabled Sent Nr textbox G4. OGB Coded by NA3. M. Improvements to error handling at startup. Coded by N1. MM. Added alternate SSB signal detection. Roald Dahl The Gremlins Pdf To Excel. Not yet working very well WU2. X Coded by N1. MM3. MB0. 4 Oct 2. 01. N1. MM Logger Update 1. Spectrum Hide zoominzoomout controls if in fixed mode K0. PIR Coded by N1. MM. Configurer Change the text for the CW and Digital frequency increment on the Other tab. Coded by K3. CT. SD QSO Party Rules changes, points, County abbreviation, start time, bonus station, changed to Cabrillo 3. KCMVFCoded by K3. CT3. 9. 4 MB2. Sep 2. N1. MM Logger Update 1. Clear waterfall when spectrum resolution changes Coded by N1. MM. BC QSO Party Rules change, changed the contest stop time, change to Cabrillo 3. VA7. BECCoded by K3. CT. TS9. 90 Changed the radio command that is sent to the radio when Esc is pressed in voice mode. JG1. VGXCoded by K3. CT. Adds wording to Broadcast tab in config to indicate the TCP connection is for logging purposes. Coded by N2. AMG. If SCQ macro is used and pressing F1 before the SCQ timer trips cancel out the SCQ trip. Coded by N2. AMG. If using SO2. R and have Last. One Wins checked if the other radio is already transmitting dont start the SCQ timer. Coded by N2. AMG. Added https Contestonlinescore. VE2. FK Coded by N1. MM. Broadcast Contacts Add delay between the UDP messages to prevent over run. KF3. BCoded by K3. CT. Radio Control Added IC 7. Coded by K3. CT. Logger Audio Updated the dll used by Logger Audio. Please test and report any issue. Installing a prior release will install the prior dll. Coded by K3. CT. SRRCUPDIGI contest was added RF9. C coded by NA3. M. TS 5. 90 Corrected the default CW SSB widenarrow filter settings. S5. 5OCoded by K3.